The blog Continuous everywhere and differentiable nowhere , (CEDN) by a high school math teacher in Brooklyn, New York, has a list of Calc III projects. Here are the ones I felt were modeling projects. See the blog site for more details, including the overall assignment sheet. Volume of an n -dimensional sphere : Define a sphere in 2D, 3D, 4D, etc. Find the formula for the volume of an n -dimensional sphere. Strangely, as the dimension increases, the volume of given radii decreases. This is related to the problem with data modeling in multidimensions when the measure is a distance. The higher the dimension, a larger percentage of points are more than a fixed distance from a given point. Study this weirdness. Resource: Rogawski, Section 15.3. Fluid dynamics and hurricane modeling : This blogger recommends studying material from Anton, pp. 1883-7, on fluid dynamics and how that study can be used to model hurricanes. Lissajou...